My journey

Thanks for visiting my site, my journey has followed an interesting path leading me to where I am today. For the majority of my adult life I've worked in the electrical industry. So what does that have to do with wellness I hear you say. Well, this is where my story gets interesting. I had existed with no real concept of mental wellbeing or mental ill-health. This lack of insight had allowed me to live for years struggling with my mental health, until the day I found my self facing a life changing choice. I chose life, and have been on a mission to assist others ever since then.

From the darkness I found my purpose, this purpose gave my life a whole new meaning. I picked myself up, and saw that the lack of understanding about mental health had been my biggest barrier. I began studying a degree in counselling. The concepts of positive psychology, solution focused therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy resonated with me the most. Armed with this education, my lived experience, and the insights gained from working in trade and corporate leadership positions, I knew the issues individuals and organisations faced when it came to mental health and wellness.

I started on a journey of mental health advocacy, I became a public speaker sharing my story and providing education to help others struggling with mental ill-health. In 2017, together with a colleague, we created a fulltime mental health advocate position within a large organisation. This position has created mental health strategies, policies, and shifted a culture. Since then I have worked tirelessly, educating myself and others about mental health and wellness. I am an accredited mental health educator and facilitator, with the ability to design and implement workplace mental health strategies. In addition to this I work with individuals and groups to achieve the goal of wellness.

In 2019 I won the Queensland Open Minds Individual Contribution to Mental Health Award, and the Large Workplace Mental Health Award based on the Mental Health Advocate role. Since then I have worked with the Yale program for recovery and community health to have a journal article published in the Brazilian Journal for Mental Health. I am currently an Ambassador for the Australian and New Zealand Mental Health Association, where I am able to influence and educate broader communities and workplaces on mental health and wellbeing.

In 2022 was recognised as a nominee at the  Australian of the Year awards in the Queensland Local Hero category for services to community and workplace mental health.  I have worked on several large workplace mental health strategies and I’m able to provide consultancy services to assist workplaces develop strategies and implement programs for better mental health. 

These awarded and accredited skills allow me to provide the following services.

Public Speaking and Mental Health Advocacy

– Workplace Mental Health Consultancy 

– Mental Health Education and Training